Sunday, August 24, 2008

PMO's Incentive

Susan Cramm on her blog wrote the ways to reduce IT costs. Her points revolve around better control of internal developers.
IT Blog Entry on Reducing IT Costs

Her entry's solutions do not hit the core problem that an internal developer's incentives are not in line with the requestor's goal. The goal of the developer is to hit the deadline 100% of the time without doing overtime. There is no upside for him/her to work extra hard. Another way to look at it, the developers only hear from the reqeustor when the application is broken or off schedule. This leaves the developer in the position of fudging on the plans, i.e. stating the work at 800 hours rather than 400.

A better solution is to remove the internal developers and have the requestor employ an outsource service. The requestor knows the value of the project in terms of either costs saved or increased revenue. Based on this value, he/she can negotiate in a competitive market of outsourced IT services for a price that gives a desired return. In this way, both parties have an upside and a downside. As well, their incentives are more closely aligned.