Sunday, August 30, 2009

Connecting Non-Profits

Non-profits tend to overlap in the services they provide. Unfortunately, the organizations are lean in their management. This does not allow for the networking and connecting to take advantage of the overlap in services.

Here is a proposal which needs the help and insight of others.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Smarter Patient - Lower Cost

A smarter consumer makes better choices, which leads to lower cost. My mom being a nurse knew when to asks questions and when to probe for other solutions. She didn't have all the knowledge but she knew enough and knew what to expect.

In health care the power has been with the physician. The patient didn't question the recommendations. In comparison, we do not unquestioningly accept a mechanics recommendation. By questioning the mechanic a solution that matches your value of quality and cost is found.

The improvement for health care is to give the patient information on a procedure before they enter the doctor's office. The information is the expected process and the three questions the patient needs to have answered before leaving. This bit of knowledge gives the patient leverage to ask questions. For instance, if the patient sees that some steps are not being performed the patient will ask. The step may have been overlooked or due to other factors was removed. The value is a check and balance. As well, the questioning can lead to a different solution that leads to better health and lower costs.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Restaurant Idea

This idea is based on my experience at Golf Club of Tennessee. At the club, the employees know my name and greet me by it. It makes me feel welcome and want to be at the club. The secret is that they post pictures and bio information of the members who will be there that day in the employee areas.

The application is for restaurants such as Brick Tops that have regular visitors to capture information on their guests. For example, Jim Beckner walks in with two investors from NY. Everyone greets Mr Beckner by name and takes the three to his favorite seat and his favorite waitress. Jim feels good and his guests are impressed.

Capturing the information can be a designed process for the host and waiters. Key is a picture of the guest. From the picture, the waiters and waitresses can then quickly recognize the guest.